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Karen shares a bit about our pantry and shares some comments from our families

When we, Haven Totes, started our Food Pantry in February 2019, we all thought that the Food Pantry would definitely be a good thing. It would definitely help our families at the schools we sponsored. I don’t think anyone of us had any idea what it would really mean and how it would really help our families.

Our families have food insecurities but what does that really mean. I know for myself personally, that I could only imagine. I thought I had been there but never like these families. The Pantry is our privilege plus our joy to extend Christ’s love to others in a tangible and practical way. Our Pantry is a little piece of a big masterful puzzle that connects together all the efforts of so many people. So, we decided to do the Food Pantry.

We all decided that we would serve the Pantry. We would support the Pantry however we could. We all would become a part of this Food Pantry, meaning we would connect it to our lives. That each and every one of us at Haven Totes would help out. I am honored to be given the privilege of working 1 to 1 with every family when they first sign-up for the Pantry. So, I was wondering what they were feeling. I was wondering if we, Haven Totes, did or are doing what we set-out to do.

So, I asked our families to write down in a couple of words or a sentence, what Haven Totes Food Pantry means to them and their family. How is the “Haven Tote Food Pantry” helping them.

Some of the Quotes from our Families.

“Heaven sent”

“Faith Community cares”

“I don’t have to worry”

“God sent”


“Helps in so many ways”

“Know we won’t starve to death”

“Definitely a blessing”


“My kids don’t go a day without food now”

“Very helpful”

“Means everything”

Families were so grateful that they could let us know what the “Haven Totes Food Pantry” means to them. They are so grateful for our hard work. We are so grateful that we could and can continue to work hard and be a part of Christ’s master puzzle.

Karen Stewart
President of Haven Totes Pantries

“For I was hungry and you gave me food” – Matthew 25:35

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A 501 (C) 3 NON-PROFIT
QCR code: 20107

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