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Make a difference in our community!

As a volunteer with Haven Totes, there are a variety of roles available based on what interests you & what skills or talents you wish to share. The possibilities are endless and every volunteer helps further our mission and grow our organization. Explore some of the ways you can get involved & get started ending hunger in our community!

Serve in the Pantry
Opportunities include: stocking the shelves, checking the quality of the food, assessing inventory, and participating in food rescue.

Grow Our Organization
Assist with fundraising, marketing, community outreach, fundraisers, and administrative tasks.

volunteers handling food pantry image

Learn more about volunteering with us!


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“For I was hungry and you gave me food” – Matthew 25:35

Have Questions?
Contact us!

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Haven Totes, Inc.

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A 501 (C) 3 NON-PROFIT
QCR code: 20107

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